🎯 釋放潛力,接軌職場!超過萬筆國際生職位,職涯機會不容錯過!
🎯 Unleash Your Potential, Connect to Your Career! Over 10,000 job opportunities for international students—don’t miss out!
📅 活動日期:3月21日 (週五) 09:30 - 16:30
📅 Event Date: March 21st (Fri), 09:30 - 16:30
📍 活動地點:新光三越高雄左營店
📍 Venue: Shin Kong Mitsukoshi-Kaohsiung Zuoying Store
📲 立即報名 Register Now:📲
點選連結:https://www.surveycake.com/s/0zPk9 不讓夢想職涯從你手中溜走! Click the link—don’t let your dream career slip away!
🎯 活動福利 Event Perks 🎯
🍱 統一由學校出發,午餐免費提供,讓你專心充實自我!
🍱 Free Transportation & Lunch: Depart from school together, with lunch provided—focus on self-improvement!
🚀 活動亮點 Highlights 🚀
🔍 企業深度面試:超過 104 人力銀行優質企業現場招募,機會就在你面前!
🔍 In-depth Corporate Interviews: Over 104 top companies from 104 Job Bank are recruiting on-site—seize your chance!
🧠 履歷診療室與模擬面試:專業 HR 現場指導,打造職場必勝履歷與面試技巧! Resume Clinic & Mock Interviews: Get expert HR guidance to create a winning resume and master interview techniques!
🤝 僑外生學長姐分享:跨境職涯經驗、實用求職建議一網打盡!Alumni Sharing: Gain insights into cross-border career experiences and valuable job-seeking advice!
🎲 趣味抽獎活動:現場參加企業問卷,送出超商禮物卡,限量 500 份,先到先得! Fun Raffle Event: Complete company surveys on-site to win a convenience store gift card! Limited to 500 pieces—first come, first served!
🤝 機會與企業代表 1 對 1 面對面交流,掌握實習與全職機會!1-on-1 Networking: Connect directly with company representatives and secure internship and full-time opportunities!
🌟 把握這次絕佳機會,讓你的職涯起飛,未來更有力量!🌟Seize this incredible opportunity—launch your career and empower your future! 🌟