Are you an international student looking for your ideal job in Taiwan but don’t know where to start? 🚀
"Job Hunt Safari: Taiwan Work Culture Adventure" will help you understand Taiwan’s workplace culture and equip you with essential job-hunting skills to land your dream job!🌍
📌 活動亮點 Event Highlights
✅ 職涯探索:探索個人職涯優勢,了解台灣的就業市場!
✅Career Exploration: Discover your career strengths and understand Taiwan’s job market!
✅ 履歷精進:學習履歷撰寫技巧,提高求職成功率!
✅Resume Enhancement: Learn how to craft a compelling resume to boost your job application success!
✅ 面試實戰:透過模擬面試提升表達力與自信,為求職做好萬全準備!
✅Interview Training: Enhance your confidence and communication skills through mock interviews to be fully prepared for job opportunities!
📌 活動資訊 Event Details
📅 3/19 (三)|個人職業興趣探索與台灣工作世界解析
📅March 19 (Wed) | Career Interest Exploration & Understanding Taiwan’s Job Market
📅 3/26 (三)|履歷撰寫技巧 + 實作演練
📅March 26 (Wed) | Resume Writing Workshop & Hands-on Practice
📅 4/9 (三)|面試技巧 + 團體模擬面試
📅April 9 (Wed) | Interview Techniques & Group Mock Interview
📌 地點 Location::E504
👀 名額有限,立即報名,踏出成功求職的第一步!
👀 Limited spots available! Sign up now and take your first step toward career success!
Let’s embark on your Taiwan job-hunting journey together and land your dream job!