
《外國籍學生》 💡 Feeling uncertain about your career 💡對未來職涯感到迷惘?你是否想要探索個人優勢、提升求職技巧,或適應台灣的職場文化?現在,你有機會獲得專業的個人化諮詢!

公告類型: 校園活動
點閱次數: 30
📌 諮詢內容包含(可依需求選擇2-3個)
📌 What You Can Discuss (Choose 2-3 issues Based on Your Needs)::
✔ 職涯探索(興趣、技能、個人特質、價值觀等)
✔ Career Exploration (interests, skills, personality, values, etc.)

✔ 轉換職涯 & 決策建議
✔ Career Transitions & Decision-Making

✔ 求職技巧(履歷、面試、找工作管道)
✔ Job Search Strategies (resume, interviews, job opportunities)

✔ 文化適應 & 職場溝通
✔ Cultural Adaptation & Workplace Communication

✔ 其他個人職涯相關問題
✔ Any other career-related concerns

📌 申請方式How to Sign Up::
 點擊下方表單,選擇你可以的時間與想諮詢的主題。
Click the form link below and select your available time slots and consultation topics.

每位學生最多可預約 3 次諮詢,我們將從你選擇的時段中安排合適的時間與你確認。
Each student can book up to 3 sessions. We will confirm your appointment based on your selected times.

Prepare your CV/Resume in advance. You can provide a link for reference.

📩 報名表單連結Registration Form Link::https://forms.gle/PEJ7PpGD3zNC9FtaA
●每次諮詢時間:50 分鐘(線上進行)Duration: 50 minutes per session (Online)
●語言:英文及中文、Language: English
●適合對象:所有正在求職或規劃職涯的外籍學生Who Can Join: International students seeking career guidance
★ 機會有限,趕快報名吧!Limited slots available – sign up now!
發布日期: 2025/03/13 至 2025/05/13

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